Terms of Deposit Waiting List
If you are interested in a particular mommy or daddy for your new little furbaby you will have a much better chance of receiving him or her by being added to our waiting list for the litter you are most interested in! To join our waiting list, you must fill out a puppy application and be contacted by us, before making your 300.00 deposit. Once you have completed the puppy application , and been approved, your name will be added to the waiting list. When the puppies are born, and there is a puppy available that you like, you can make the deposit to reserve him or her. Deposit fees are NON-Refundable.
When the puppies are born we will notify those from the puppy application waiting list. If we do not receive a response from you within 2 days of our email, we will move to the next person on the puppy application waiting list. We will send photos of the puppies born, and deposit reservations will be made then. When the puppies are 2 weeks old, the first deposit reservation will get the first pick, and so on.